Introducing Attorney Accounts

Introducing Attorney Accounts


While many founders use Clerky on their own, many use it with their attorneys. Startup attorneys are able to use our software to review, comment on, and correct the information founders enter. They can stay in the loop on everything their clients do, and even change the underlying form language used to generate documents. Hundreds of startup attorneys are already using these features to work with their clients on Clerky today.

Today, we're excited to announce a new account type built just for startup attorneys helping founders on Clerky: Attorney accounts.

With Attorney accounts, startup attorneys get access to a private workspace for their firm or practice. Workspaces come with tools to help startup attorneys keep everything they're doing with clients organized, as well as collaborate with other attorneys or paralegals at their firm.

Attorney accounts get access to the same products regular accounts do, plus an advanced set of attorney-only products. These products are not available to regular accounts, because they are more difficult to use correctly without an attorney. Startup attorneys will be able to invite clients to use any product they have access to, or use them directly if they prefer.

We’re particularly excited about the remedial products now available to help attorneys fix issues with companies formed through other online services. These issues were a huge motivation for starting Clerky. We started Clerky to help founders avoid those issues in the first place, and are proud to now be able to help fix some of those issues as well.

Attorney accounts are completely free (it still costs money to use the products, of course). If you’re a founder, share this blog post with your startup attorney and tell them to sign up! If you are a startup attorney, you can sign up for an account here.

We hope Attorney accounts will be useful for startup attorneys, and ultimately benefit startups by reducing the cost of getting legal paperwork done. We have a lot more features planned around this, so stay tuned!

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